Image for UAE Centre for Crystallography hero section
  • PRODUCER: Samuele Lilliu
  • EDITOR: Mariano Tuveri, Samuele Lilliu


The United Arab Emirates Centre for Crystallography (UAECC) was a proposed first national laboratory for materials science in the UAE, dedicated to the investigation of materials by X-ray diffraction techniques. Co-founded by Dr Samuele Lilliu, the centre planned to host the UAE’s first laboratory X-ray source for 2D X-ray scattering. Services would have included consultation, collaboration, and training. UAECC aimed to participate in the scientific and industrial development of the UAE through providing services to both academia and industry in the UAE and worldwide.

The United Arab Emirates Centre for Crystallography (UAECC) Home Page.
The United Arab Emirates Centre for Crystallography (UAECC) Home Page.

Scientific Output and Nature Index Ranking

Although the centre never received funding, thanks to Dr Lilliu’s publications (Nature, Nature Photonics, Energy & Environmental Science, ACS Nano) the Centre was ranked in the 6th position of the Nature Index for the country in early 2019.

Nature index UAE 2019.
Nature index UAE 2019.
Nature index UAE 2019 - Zoom.
Nature index UAE 2019 - Zoom.

Branding and Science

Dr Lilliu took care of branding and marketing campaigns for UAECC as well as the development of its scientific program.