
The Annual Exhibition of Accademia d’Arte Santa Caterina (Cagliari) brings together some of the most talented and innovative artists from the region. During the event we interviewed some of the exhibiting artists, who spoke about their inspirations and motivations for creating the works on display. From sculptors to painters, photographers to digital artists, the sheer variety of styles, mediums and approaches was truly awe-inspiring.

With the exhibition taking place inside a beautiful old building, the atmosphere was electric. As the guests moved around the space, they could admire the works of art and listen to the stories behind them, as told by the artists themselves. There was a real sense of connection between the guests and the artwork, which is tribute to the power of the creative process.

We also took the opportunity to take some photographs of the pieces on show. This was a great way to capture the beauty of the works and to remember our time at the exhibition. We were able to take in the details of the pieces, such as the brush strokes and the textures, which provided us with an insight into the artists’ mindsets and their approaches to their craft.

Overall, the Annual Exhibition of Accademia d’Arte Santa Caterina (Cagliari) was a truly unforgettable experience. We got to meet some of the most talented artists from the region and witness the power of art up close.


We filmed the event with a lightweight setup (check our gear on top of this page) including a shoulder rig with a Canon C200 and a lapel mic.

A digital marketing agency can be a great asset for painters looking to promote their work and grow their business. In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for reaching potential customers and showcasing your art to a wider audience. Here are a few reasons why a digital marketing agency can be important for promoting the work of painters:

  • Expertise in online marketing: A digital marketing agency has the expertise and resources to effectively promote your work online. We can create and manage a website, social media accounts, and online advertising campaigns to reach your target audience and drive traffic to your website.

  • Professional branding: A digital marketing agency can help you establish a professional online brand and create a cohesive look and feel for your art business. This includes designing a logo, developing a colour palette and font style, and creating marketing materials such as business cards and brochures.

  • Search engine optimization (SEO): As a digital marketing agency we can optimize your website and online content for search engines, which can help increase your visibility and drive traffic to your website. This includes using relevant keywords, creating high-quality content, and building backlinks from other reputable websites.

  • Analytics and data tracking: Our digital marketing agency can track the performance of your online marketing efforts and provide data-driven insights to help you make informed decisions about your marketing strategy. This includes tracking website traffic, engagement on social media, and conversions from online advertising campaigns.

  • Time-saving: Marketing can be time-consuming, especially if you are trying to do it all on your own. A digital marketing agency can help free up your time so you can focus on creating new works of art.

  • Promotional videos: short films can be a powerful tool for promoting the work of painters. In today’s fast-paced, digital world, people are bombarded with an overwhelming amount of content on a daily basis. A promotional video can help you capture their attention and effectively showcase your art in a way that text and static images cannot.

Here are a few reasons why a promotional video is important for promoting the work of painters:

  • Engaging and visually appealing: A promotional video allows you to showcase your art in a dynamic and visually appealing way. You can use video footage and animations to demonstrate the process of creating your art and give viewers a behind-the-scenes look at your work. This can help make your art more relatable and engaging to viewers.

  • Conveys emotion and mood: A promotional video can help convey the emotion and mood behind your art. You can use music, voiceovers, and other audio elements to enhance the viewing experience and help viewers better understand your art.

  • Easy to share: Promotional videos are easy to share on social media and other online platforms, which can help increase your reach and exposure. You can also embed your promotional video on your website and send it to galleries and other potential clients to showcase your work.

  • Increases credibility: A professionally produced promotional video can help increase your credibility as an artist. It shows that you are serious about your art and are willing to invest in promoting it.

  • Cost-effective: While creating a promotional video can be an investment, it can be a cost-effective way to promote your art in the long run. A promotional video can be used for years to come and can be shared on multiple platforms, helping you get the most value for your investment.

Overall, a digital marketing agency can provide valuable support and expertise to help you promote your work as a painter and grow your business. More specifically a promotional video can be a valuable asset for promoting the work of painters. It allows you to showcase your art in a dynamic and visually appealing way, helps convey the emotion and mood behind your work, and is easy to share and increases your credibility as an artist. By establishing a strong online presence and effectively reaching your target audience, you can increase your exposure and sales, and take your art career to new heights.